DeInstall OEM 13C Agent

 In this blog, we will list down the steps to download the OEM 13C agent. 

1) Trigger script to delete agent and remove agent base directory.

<Agent_home>/perl/bin/perl <Agent_home>/sysman/install/ -agentHome <Agent_home>

2) Manually remove the targets, which were monitored by the agent from OEM Console. 
Or invoke below command from oms host to delete manually. 

emcli delete_target -name="<host_name>:<agent_port>" -type="oracle_emd" -delete_monitored_targets 

You can learn more about oracle RAC using below books:

Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Real Application Clusters Handbook: Concepts, Administration, Tuning & Troubleshooting

Expert Oracle RAC 12c


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