OMS SYSMAN Password Change

 In this blog, we will list down the steps to change the password for OMS sysman.

1. Stop all the OMS:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin emctl stop oms

- Execute the same command on all the OMS machines including the primary OMS machine and Standby. Do not include '-all' as the Admin Server needs to be up during this operation.

- For EM and later, if the BI Publisher is deployed, run the following command also to stop BIP server:

emctl stop oms -bip_only

- If JVMD and/or ADP is configured, stop the JVMD/ADP engines:

emctl extended oms jvmd stop -all

emctl extended oms adp stop -all

2. Modify the SYSMAN password on the primary OMS server (where the Admin server is configured):

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin

emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd

3. Stop the Admin server on the primary OMS machine and re-start all the OMS:

cd <OMS_HOME>/bin

emctl stop oms -all

emctl start oms


Please check our other blogs for OEM OMS


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