Oracle Active database Cloning - RAC DB

Oracle Active database Cloning 

For DBA Refreshing Table, Schema and Database are routine activity. You can refresh/Clone database using below method:

1.Conventional Restore method and Rename DB post DB Refresh
2.Conventional Duplicate Database method
3. Active database Cloning 
4.Backup Base Cloning

We will cover all these methods of cloning in individual blogs. In This blog , We will discuss about how to refresh/Clone Database from active Database. 

In Active database Cloning, Auxiliary Database is cloned from the live target database without the need of the backup to be copied to Auxiliary DB Server. The duplication work is being performed by the auxiliary channel and these channels corresponds to the server session in auxiliary DB instance. 

Below are the step followed to perform active database duplication of the RAC Database.

1) Create ASM Directories.

alter diskgroup DATA add directory '+DATA/CLONEDB';
alter diskgroup DATA add directory '+DATA/CLONEDB/DATAFILE';
alter diskgroup DATA add directory '+DATA/CLONEDB/CONTROLFILE';
alter diskgroup DATA add directory '+DATA/CLONEDB/ONLINELOG';
alter diskgroup DATA add directory '+DATA/CLONEDB/TEMPFILE';
alter diskgroup DATA add directory '+DATA/CLONEDB/PARAMETERFILE';
alter diskgroup RECO add directory '+RECO/CLONEDB';
alter diskgroup RECO add directory '+RECO/CLONEDB/CONTROLFILE';
alter diskgroup RECO add directory '+RECO/CLONEDB/ONLINELOG;

2)Create Auxilary Database parameter file.

. oraenv
SQL>create pfile='/tmp/initCLONEDB.ora' from spfile;

--Edit parameter file /tmp/initCLONEDB.ora with correct DB name and comment all the Cluster parameter.

Parameter file should look like below

[oracle@oraclehost01 ~]$ cat /tmp/initCLONEDB.ora



NOTE: Cluster Specific parameters are disables initially. As Database will be first cloned as single database instance and later converted to RAC DB.

--Create Dignostic directory if any any (On both Node of cluster)

mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/CLONEDB/adump

--Add below parameter in parameter

*.LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT ='+DATA/TRGTDB/onlinelog/','+DATA/CLONEDB/onlinelog/','+RECO/TRGTDB/onlinelog/','+RECO/CLONEDB/onlinelog/'

3) Start Auxiliary database instance

. oraenv
SQL>startup nomount pfile='/tmp/initCLONEDB.ora'
SQL>Create spfile='+DATA/CLONEDB/spfileCLONEDB.ora' from pfile='/tmp/initCLONEDB.ora';

-- Create pfile in $ORACLE_HOME/dba as given below:

[oracle@oraclehost01 dbs]$ cat initCLONEDB.ora

--Verify Spfile created in Disk Group in correct directory

SQL>Startup nomount

4) Create password file for Auxiliary database (Make Sure password is same as that of the target database)

. oraenv
orapwd file="${ORACLE_HOME}/dbs/orapw${ORACLE_SID}" password="oracle123#" entries=5

5) Make oracle NET connectivity changes (As we are duplication on the same server no need to create listener)

Make changes in listener.ora as given below:

      (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/

Add below entry on both node of the cluster:


6) Clone Auxiliary database with Target database.

. oraenv

connect TARGET sys/oracle123#@TRGTDB
connect auxiliary sys/oracle123#@CLONEDB
allocate channel d1 device type disk;
allocate channel d2 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch2 type disk;
set newname for tempfile 1 to '+DATA';
set newname for tempfile 2 to '+DATA';
set newname for tempfile 3 to '+DATA';
set newname for tempfile 4 to '+DATA';
set newname for tempfile 6 to '+DATA';
set newname for tempfile 7 to '+DATA';
set newname for tempfile 8 to '+DATA';
set newname for tempfile 9 to '+DATA';
release channel ch1;
release channel ch2;
release channel d1;
release channel d2;

7) Verify the undo tablespace, thread and logfile. If not there create.

select THREAD#,GROUP#,BYTES/1024/1024/1024 from v$log;
select GROUP#,MEMBER from  v$logfile;
select name from v$tablespace;

8)Create Pfile from Running Auxilary database

create pfile='/tmp/test.ora' from spfile='+DATA/CLONEDB/spfileCLONEDB.ora';

-- Make change in the parameter file via adding the parameter required to make it cluster database.Below is parameter file

*.control_files='+RECO/CLONEDB/controlfile/current.602.883768743','+DATA/CLONEDB/controlfile/current.2483.883768743'#Set by RMAN
*.db_name='CLONEDB'#Reset to original value by RMAN

9)Shut Down Auxilary database ,Create spfile from new parameter file and start database via setting enviorment to instance.

. oraenv
SQL>shutdown immediate;
SQL>create spfile='+DATA/CLONEDB/spfileCLONEDB.ora' from pfile='/tmp/test.ora';

----Change name of current pfile in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs to point to instance.

mv initCLONEDB.ora initCLONEDB1.ora

---- Copy above parameter file to node oraclehost03

scp initCLONEDB1.ora oraclehost03:/u01/app/oracle/product/

---Add instace entry to the /etc/oratab file

--On node oraclehost01


--On node oraclehost03


. oraenv
startup nomount;
alter database mount;
alter database open;

10) Add Database to Cluster.

. oraenv
shut immediate;

srvctl add database -d CLONEDB -o /u01/app/oracle/product/ -p '+DATA/CLONEDB/spfileCLONEDB.ora'
srvctl add instance -d CLONEDB -i CLONEDB1 -n oraclehost01
srvctl add instance -d CLONEDB -i CLONEDB2 -n oraclehost03

----Verify database configuration using.

srvctl config database -d CLONEDB

--Start database..

srvctl start database -d CLONEDB

---Verify database status.

 srvctl status database -d CLONEDB

Select "DB NAME",i.INSTANCE_NUMBER,i.INSTANCE_NAME,i.HOST_NAME,d.OPEN_MODE from gv$database d, gv$instance i where i.INST_ID=d.INST_ID;

You can learn more about oracle database administration: 

Pro Oracle GoldenGate for the DBA

Oracle Security Tools Installation and Configuration

Expert Oracle Exadata 

Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Real Application Clusters Handbook: Concepts, Administration, Tuning & Troubleshooting

Expert Oracle RAC 12c


Please check our other blogs for Refresh


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