Exadata(Half Rack) Image Upgrade (Rolling) Part-3-Compute Node Image Upgrade

As DMA its regular activity to patch exadata machine. There are two ways of patching Exadata box Rolling and Non-Rolling. In this blog, we will start with part 3 of the Exadata (Half Rack) Image Upgrade (Rolling).

Step 1: Check image version

cd /root

 dcli -l root -g dbs_group imageinfo -version

 dcli -l root -g dbs_group imageinfo -status

 dcli -l root -g dbs_group uname -r

--Verify dbnodeupdate script version
Download latest version of dbnodeupdate script from patch 21634633
Download dbserver.patch.zip which contains dbnodeupdate.zip and patchmgr for dbnodeupdate orchestration via patch 21634633.

cd /u01/exa_img_upg/YUM

 unzip -o p21634633_122110_Linux-x86-64.zip

 Should be at least version 5.151022

 ./dbnodeupdate.sh -V

 ver=$(./dbnodeupdate.sh -V | awk '{print $3}'); if (( $(echo "$ver < 5.151022" | bc -l) )); then echo -e "\nFAIL: dbnodeupdate version too low. Update before proceeding.\n"; elif (( $(echo "$ver > 5.151022" | bc -l) )); then echo -e "\nPASS: dbnodeupdate version OK\n"; else echo -e "\nWARN: dbnodeupdate minimum version ($ver) detected. Check if there is a newer version before proceeding.\n"; fi

 dbnodeupdate script is updated frequently (sometimes daily). If not current then download updated version.

Step 2: Check databases running before stopping CRS

crsctl status resource -t -w "TYPE = ora.database.type"
ps -ef | grep pmon_ | grep -v grep

Step 3: Stop the CRS (Rolling)

Execute on the Compute Node for which you are going for Image Upgrade.
crsctl disable crs
crsctl stop crs
crsctl check crs
ps -ef | grep grid | grep -v grep

Reboot server and reset ILOM

If uptime more than 7 days then reboot server

Reset the ilom
ipmitool bmc reset cold

Step 4: Unmount NFS partitions

umount -a -t nfs -f -l

Step 5: Run precheck

cd /u01/exa_img_upg/YUM/dbserver_patch_5.170420
./dbnodeupdate.sh -u -l /u01/exa_img_upg/YUM/IMAGE.zip -t PATCHNUMBER  -v

Step 6: Perform backup and upgrade
 Make sure to check known issues section above prior to executing dbnodeupdate.sh
        cd /u01/exa_img_upg/YUM/dbserver_patch_5.170420
 nohup ./dbnodeupdate.sh -u -l /u01/exa_img_upg/YUM/IMAGE.zip -t PATCHNUMBER -q &

Step 7: Monitor the reboot
Monitor the reboot of each node by logging into the ilom console.
After reboot completes
Before running the completion step, run the CheckHWnFWProfile script to make sure it passes. If not, shut the system down and power cycle it from the ilom ( stop /SYS, wait 5 minutes, start /SYS)

 cd /u01/exa_img_upg/YUM

 umount -a -t nfs -f -l

        cd /u01/exa_img_upg/YUM/dbserver_patch_5.170420
 ./dbnodeupdate.sh -t PATCHNUMBER -c

 mount -a

 Verify fuse RPMs are Installed
 yum list installed | grep fuse
Step 8: Check version and status
cd /root
 dcli -l root -g dbs_group imageinfo -version
 dcli -l root -g dbs_group imageinfo -status
 dcli -l root -g dbs_group uname -r

Enable CRS
 crsctl enable crs
 crsctl check crs
If CRS is not already started then start the CRS on this Image Upgraded node.

crsctl start crs

Step 9: Post checks
 /u01/app/ status resource -t -w "TYPE = ora.database.type"

Additional checks (if there were problems)
 ssh <database-node>
 cd /var/log/cellos/
 cat dbnodeupdate.log
 cat dbserver_backup.sh.log
 cat CheckHWnFWProfile.log
 cat exadata.computenode.post.log
 cat cellFirstboot.log
 cat exachkcfg.log
 cat vldrun.each_boot.log
 cat validations.log

Rollback Steps in case required

 1. Rolling back the update with the dbnodeupdate.sh utility:
 ./dbnodeupdate.sh -r

 2. Reboot the server using the reboot command.

 # reboot

 3. Run the dbnodeupdate.sh utility in 'completion mode' to finish post patching steps
 Similar like with regular updates or One-Time updates, when switching OS binaries with the same Oracle Home, the database kernel should be relinked, so the 'post completion' step needs to be performed.

 ./dbnodeupdate.sh -c

Click on to for Switch Firmware upgrade.

Click on to for Cell node image upgrade.

You can learn in detail on Exadata from book Expert Oracle Exadata


Please check our other blogs for Exadata


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